PT Spotlight – Rachel Ratcliffe
Name: Rachel Ratcliffe
Specialism(s): Fat loss + Bootcamps
Unique Fact: I’m hoping to climb Kilimanjaro in the next few years. I make a mean carrot cake… so I’ve been told!
What inspired you to become a PT? And how long have you been one?
I have been a personal trainer for about 2 years now. I have always been into sports growing up, but once I left college I became lazy and gained quite a bit of weight. After having my son, I decided that had to change! Trying so many different ways and realising most of them are not achievable, I educated myself about how to a healthy lifestyle rather than trying to find a quick fix. I could still enjoy myself without feeling restricted and get results. It was then that I decided I wanted to help people that are in the same situation as myself. By educating people how to break down the process into small, achievable steps, as opposed to following the latest fad diet, which only leads to being where they started in the first place. Therefore, by supporting people through this journey, it inspires me to help change their lives which I feel passionate about.
What are the common misconceptions that people have about PT’s?
That we are perfect when it comes to training and nutrition, don’t drink, eat bad food, skip workouts or go out and enjoy ourselves. Only yesterday I was eating an ice cream and someone said to me ‘are you allowed that being a personal trainer?’
What is an average day like for you?
6am- Bootcamp, 7am – client then home for breakfast and drop my son at school. Then straight to the gym to train, sometimes shopping .. home for dinner then clients and evening bootcamp usually a 8 or 9pm finish.
What are your specialities?
Fat loss clients, bootcamps, Metafit
Why did you pick your specialisms?
I have lost a lot of weight myself and feel I have a good understanding of the struggles people go through
What has been your most rewarding experience as a PT?
Helping one of my clients lose over 6 stone, dropping 5 dress sizes and completely changing her lifestyle around.
What is the biggest challenge for you as a PT?
Getting people to trust you and not listen to the latest diet craze.
How do you stay motivated on a daily basis?
Knowing that what I do inspires others to stay healthy and knowing that people come to me for advice
How do you spend your spare time?
I enjoy spending most of my spare time with my son at the park, going out for a drink with friends, shopping and playing netball.
What are your top tips to stay fit and healthy?
- Set small weekly goals and Take it a day at a time, don’t be to hard on yourself
- Train at least 2 days a week
- Make sure 15% of your diet comes from foods you love like chocolate, sweets etc.
- Make sure your daily activity levels are as high as possible e.g at least 10,000 steps per day